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Example sentences for "emboss"

Lexicographically close words:
embolic; embolism; embolus; embonpoint; embosomed; embossed; embossing; embouchure; embowed; embowered
  1. Illustration: The Tapering End of a Cartridge Shell is Flattened and Bent to Make a Whistle] How to Emboss Stationery A person's monogram or any special lettering embossed on stationery is quite expensive.

  2. But there is a way by which almost anyone may emboss stationery at home with one's own design at no expense whatever.

  3. By means of this dotted system, a blind man is able to keep memoranda or accounts, write his own music, emboss his own books from dictation, and carry on correspondence.

  4. To Hauy belongs the honour of being the first to emboss paper as a means of reading for the blind; his books were embossed in large and small italics, from movable type set by his pupils.

  5. I am sure the mind of many a blind person remains far below the degree of cultivation and maturity to which it might attain, simply from the want of being able to emboss its thoughts upon paper.

  6. The sisters tell that Bessie could at this time emboss a letter upon her Foucault frame and dictate two others at the same time; always without mistake or omission.

  7. When will it be the time, if it is not now, to expect of the Germans that they shall take the faces of their greatest men and emboss them upon eatables?

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "emboss" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.