Woman is mistress of the art of completely embittering the life of the person on whom she depends.
Her first episode in love occurred when she was a maiden of forty years, resulting finally in a most embittering disappointment.
Now, on his death-bed, says Severn, among the most haunting and embittering of his distresses was the thought that not for him were those ready consolations of orthodoxy which were within the reach of every knave and fool.
Traders, hunters, and governors combine in malice and deceit, undermining the character of the Indians and at the same time embittering them against their English conquerors.
Like all other war poets he suffered from the embittering effects of the conflict.
I am taken extremely ill with strong feverish symptoms, and take a servant of Mr. Hood's to watch me all night--embittering remorse scares my fancy at the gloomy forebodings of death.
With a low embittering expression he kicked his foot about in it for a moment very noisily, and finally sent it thundering to the curb.
He went for an embittering walk, and came back to find Miriam in a bad temper over the tea things, with the brewings of three-quarters of an hour in the pot, and hot buttered muffin gone leathery.
Driven occasionally down to Stornham by actual pressure of circumstances, he found the outlook there more embittering still.
He and his mother had been living from hand to mouth, so to speak, for years, and they had also been obliged to keep up appearances, which is sometimes embittering even to persons of amiable tempers.
The Daltons were living in great poverty abroad; there was scarcely a privation which they had not experienced; and the embitteringstings of their misery were adduced as the mainspring of old Peter's guilt.
His youngest uncle, Thomas of Woodstock, duke of Gloucester, was a designing and ambitious prince who saw his own advantage in embittering the strife between Richard and his parliament.
He had come like a trail of evil across their lives, embittering the hearts of all of them.
She saw the secret standing forever between their two lives, unacknowledged, embittering both those lives, yet impassable as the line of death.
The British evidence in this and many another embitteringdispute about the Indians need not be cited, since the following items of American evidence do ample justice to both sides.
While the Asgill affair was still running its course, and embittering Loyalists and rebels more than ever, Carleton was suddenly informed that the government had decided to grant complete independence.