The blaze Gower had kindled flickered and wavered, a red spot on the duskier shore, with a yellow nimbus in which they saw him move here and there, and sit down at last with his back to a log and his feet stretched to the fire.
It was now so nearly sunset that the chamber had grown duskier than ever; but a mild and moonlike splendor gleamed from within the vase, and rested alike on the four guests and on the doctor's venerable figure.
The panelled wainscot is covered with dingy paint, and acquires a duskier hue from the deep shadow into which the Province House is thrown by the brick block that shuts it in from Washington Street.
The panelled wainscot is covered with dingy paint and acquires a duskier hue from the deep shadow into which the Province House is thrown by the brick block that shuts it in from Washington street.
It was now so nearly sunset that the chamber had grownduskier than ever, but a mild and moonlike splendor gleamed from within the vase and rested alike on the four guests and on the doctor's venerable figure.
Mrs. Dallow made no response to this, and he pursued his quest, successful only when he reached a duskier corner of the room, to which the hat had been relegated by his cousin's maid.
It began to getduskier and duskier as we sank lower and lower; but still we could see pretty well, for it's astonishing how much light comes down through water.
Duskier and duskier it grew, as the candles went out cluster by cluster till only those in the south transept were left; and Dennis, coming there, stopped and grunted.
The floor of Julius Caesar is uneven in tone, becoming gradually duskier from S.
It is bordered on either side by bands of a duskier hue, which probably represent shallow transverse valleys.
In five gleaming ponds trembled five duskier evening heavens, and every wave that leaped up painted itself to a ruby in the hovering fire of the sun.
Did these ladies shrink from accepting my aid because my blood flowed beneath a somewhat duskier skin than theirs?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "duskier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.