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Example sentences for "dooties"

Lexicographically close words:
doosed; doosid; doost; doot; dooth; dootless; dooty; dope; doped; doping
  1. An' then his idees about his dooties is wide.

  2. Yere be I, the only gent in camp who has actchooal dooties to perform, an' a plot is set afoot behind my back to make me infamous!

  3. Them times when Dead Shot's dooties has took him to the other end of the trail, she's over to the post office constant.

  4. The dooties of Miss Darley at the Institoot were important, very important.

  5. Some of the Trustees have proposed interdoosin' new branches of study, and I expect you will be pooty much occoopied with the dooties that belong to your place.

  6. There is a young woman, not burdened with destitute relatives, has signified that she would be glad to take your dooties for less pecooniary compensation, by a consid'able amaount, than you now receive.

  7. Miss Darley to fulfil her dooties to a sufferin' fellow-creature at any cost to myself and my establishment.

  8. A deduction from her selary would be necessary, in case she should retire from the sphere of her dooties for a season.

  9. If Miss Crabs undertakes any dooties belongin' to your department of instruction, she will look to you for sech pecooniary considerations as you may agree upon between you.

  10. They re-yards sech reepasts as festivals, an' seasons of reelaxation from the sterner dooties of a ant.

  11. If somethin' ain't done forthwith to inform his mind as to them social dooties while he stays in Arizona, you can gamble he won't last to go East no more.

  12. As a roole me an' Jerry gets through our dooties harmonious.

  13. I've got more important dooties jest now on my hands than cookin' chuck for sots.

  14. Squar' Alexanders has posted Chet as to his dooties an' his orders is to prounce on the necromancer if he offers to enter the hall.

  15. I eat pork, to restrain my exuberant imaginashun, and enable me to come down to the dry detail uv offish'l life--to fit me for the proper discharge uv my dooties ez a Postmaster.

  16. These provisions sekure the nigger in all the rites wich kin reasonably be asked for him, just elevated ez he is from slavery, and thrown upon the world, ignorant of the dooties of his new position and status.

  17. There is dooties which we owe to heaven—and there is dooties which we owe to our fellow-creeturs.

  18. A deduction from her salary would be necessary, in case she should retire from the sphere of her dooties for a season.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dooties" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.