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Example sentences for "doos"

Lexicographically close words:
doorstone; doorway; doorways; dooryard; dooryards; doose; doosed; doosid; doost; doot
  1. This cairn the Constitooshun roun' ez Jeff doos in his hat Is hendier a dreffle sight, an' comes more kin' o' pat.

  2. I do like those light-complected young fellows, with their fresh cheeks and their curly hair; somehow, curly hair doos set off anybody's face.

  3. I suppose he likes this place just as other people like it, and cares more for walking in the woods and paddling about in the water than he doos for company; and if he doos, whose business is it, I should like to know?

  4. Who air the ones that doos the best fightin' out here?

  5. And what doos the lovin' gen'rous, faithful little soul git?

  6. It doos seem's if the guv'ment might look after things a little mite closer.

  7. I doos a darned sight more than what I doos by you.

  8. Cuss them, if I doos n't sarve them out for it, my name's not Thomas Draw!

  9. What doos he call his self, Mister Sir?

  10. Doos oo know what the Rule is,” he enquired, “when oo catches a Fairy, withouten its having tolded oo where it was?

  11. Nor nobody doosn’t know what’ll happen if oo doos them!

  12. Doos oo think the world was made for oo to talk in?

  13. The Scripter doos speak of a shock o' corn in his season, don't it, Mis' Starling?

  14. De scoundrils kill missis if she goed back, an' dat doos no good to Miss Letty.

  15. And there is some that knows the difference and some that doos n't.

  16. She's going to be wealthy again, but it doos n't make any difference in her ways.

  17. T's the grease that doos the mischief, an' plays the dickens with human natur'.

  18. S'posin' she doos start out mellifloous, what then?

  19. Pears to me trouble is a kind of mellerin' process, and ef you take it kindly it doos you good, and you learn to be glad of it.

  20. They are both a-burnin' where they are put, and both will be ashes to-morrow; so what difference doos it make?

  21. And yo'll knaw then what good it doos ta-alkin'.

  22. He has a good heart, Tommy has, only he doos speak up so queer, and love mischief.

  23. I guess likely he'll be some further down the ro'd before he gets his shack painted, unless he doos it himself.

  24. Do you, or doos any one in this village know, how or where that man has ben livin' these thirty years past?

  25. It doos seem as if a man o' your years and your quiet make ought to have a home you could call your own," suggested the passenger.

  26. I do' know now but what they must be about grown, time doos slip away so.

  27. It takes the same kind of principle to make a good citizen that it doos a good soldier.

  28. Now the time doos seem to be come to remedy this evil, and to get a fair distribution of the proceeds.

  29. It doos seem to be a pity that all this land should lie idle, when you might just as well sell it for thousands of dollars, and have the money in your own pockets; or what is a great deal better, edicate your children with it.

  30. I will hang On thy neck the long chain of wrought gold, When the gates of Bagdad are before us-- Doos ya lellee!

  31. His throat was dry, for before the night was half over he had drunk the little water he carried; but the Arab song still came from his lips: "Doos ya lellee!

  32. He's been uster takin on em, an they doos him good, specially the sassafras.

  33. He'll dew it ef he doos it with his own hands.

  34. I hearn ez Squire Woodbridge giv fifty pound lawful fer that sorter tune box ez he'z get fer his gal, an they doos say ez them cheers o' Squire Sedgwick's cos twenty pound lawful in the old kentry.

  35. It doos seem zif we all on us mout z'well move daown tew the jail to onc't, an hev done with 't.

  36. We hain't got no money, an they don' keer wat we says, but when we takes hole, an doos sumthin they wakes up a leetle.

  37. I'll scrub yer floor better'n she ever kin, an come to look it doos kinder need it," and she turned her agonized eyes a moment upon the floor in affected critical inspection.

  38. I allus do, it kind of puts a noo soot of close onto a word, thisere funattick spellin' doos an' takes 'em out of the prissen dress they wair in the Dixonary.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doos" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.