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Example sentences for "docker"

Lexicographically close words:
docilely; docility; dock; docke; docked; dockers; docket; docketed; dockets; docking
  1. The docker is trying to get through hungering for something to eat, to arrange gradually to have his hungers move on.

  2. At the same time the case of Mr. Docker affords a most satisfactory instance of natives entering into permanent service with white men, and working, as they appear to do, steadily for wages.

  3. Docker is often an honest man, and sometimes knows something of midicine; not much, because it is not taught anywhere.

  4. Sam felt in 'is pockets, and the docker came up and stood watching while he counted it.

  5. And at noon, way over in Hoboken, Marsh had overheard a German docker say to the man eating lunch beside him, "I hear dot tamn fool anarchist Marsh is raising hell ofer dere in New York.

  6. I saw a Polish docker knocked on the head by the end of a heavy chain that broke.

  7. And these messages to the outside world that I wrote to the slow and labored dictation of some burly docker comrade, or again by myself at dawn to express the will of a meeting that had lasted half the night--slowly became for me my own.

  8. Up leaped an enormous negro docker who sounded as though he preached often on Sundays.

  9. This great difficulty was one of the reasons for the formation of docker battalions.

  10. You know the Docker said I needed plenty of fresh air.

  11. Docker said I was a pecoolar child and needed pecoolar treatment!

  12. Not fer me," said Docker Morgan dismally; "I sworn off after the Balaam Stakes.

  13. Docker jerked a thumb vaguely in the direction of France.

  14. Jimmy, as Docker finished his narrative with a mournful downward inflexion of voice.

  15. Docker pointed with threatening forefinger to the man who had just sat down.

  16. Mr. Docker has risen to his feet amidst a little hoarse cheering.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "docker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.