Footnote 743: The matter is thoroughly treated by Fauchille, Blocus, pp.
Footnote 292: It is of importance to state the fact that, according to Grotius (III.
Neere vnto this iland there was another somewhat bigger, which is called Aucon, wholly dispeopled and without anie dwellers, yet a better countrie and more profitable for to sowe and reape then that of Corchu.
We read in Purchas's Pilgrims that a city of the Miantines is said to have been dispeopled by Fleas;[1024] and Messrs.
Having passed Rio Grande, the Governor traveled a league and a half, and came to a great town of Aquixo, which was dispeopled before he came thither.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dispeopled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.