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Example sentences for "damosell"

Lexicographically close words:
damnum; damoiseau; damoiselles; damos; damosel; damosels; damozel; damp; damped; dampen
  1. Herevpon returning to the king, he informed him that the damosell was not of such beautie and comelie personage, as might be thought woorthie to match in mariage with his maiestie.

  2. Vpon the other side I beheld in an excellent caruing, the representation of a damosell of a maidenly countenaunce, whose stately maiestie gaue great commendation to the curious deuise of the workeman.

  3. After this fourth triumph among the Mænades and sacrificers to Bacchus, there folowed an amorous damosell singing in the commendation of the head of hir louer Plaon, she desired hornes.

  4. Wherunto the gentlewoman did willingly recline her eare: and bicause he was poore, and the father of the damosell rich, she thought that her father would neuer accorde to the mariage, except it were by meanes of the Countesse of Arande.

  5. Florinda which loued the damosell as her selfe, assured her that shee would take vpon her to bring that matter to passe, with so earnest trauaile as if the case were her own.

  6. Possibly it was at the "Red Lion," in the High Street, that the damosell lived who caused all the strife between those great lords.

  7. And thus he continued his former discourse and talk, to reclaime thys cruell Damosell to haue pity vpon hir poore penytent, but he gained as mutch thereby, as if he had gone aboute to number the Sands alongs the Sea Coastes of the maine Ocean.

  8. This was no Damosell neyther sir, shee was a Virgin Fer.

  9. I was taken with none sir, I was taken with a Damosell Fer.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "damosell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.