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Example sentences for "coyne"

Lexicographically close words:
coxcombry; coxcombs; coxswain; coxswains; coyly; coyned; coyness; coyote; coyotes; cozen
  1. Coyne and livery," it was declared, had eaten up the people.

  2. He had of late even made some effort to abolish the abominable system of "coyne and livery," although, as he himself frankly admits, he was forced to impose it again in another form not long afterwards.

  3. Let them coyne his Nose, let them coyne his Cheekes, Ile not pay a Denier.

  4. They haue in England A coyne that beares the figure of an Angell Stampt in gold, but that's insculpt vpon: But here an Angell in a golden bed Lies all within.

  5. The latter’s efforts to prevent the ‘conveying of coyne out of the realme’ shows that he saw the importance of securing plenty of good coin for English trade, and that he did not want to create an artificial cheapness.

  6. He caused a proclamation to be issued ‘for the false and clipped Coyne going in this Realme with a greate punyshment to euery person that is founde with any false or counterfeit moneye.

  7. Sidenote: Coyne and livery extorted by the deputies.

  8. Finglas says that coyne and livery would destroy hell itself, if it was used there.

  9. At this instant (O griefe to part with it) I haue in readie coyne threescore thousand pound, in plate and Jewels, xv.

  10. As of the hier and availe for ther laboure, they may resceive for them self and for ther bretherne, those thinggis that be necessary and nedefulle to ther bodies, except coyne or money.

  11. That the bretherne may not resceive any coyne or money: I commande stedfastly and straitly too all the bretherne that in no wise they resceive any maner of coyne or money, nother by them self nor by none other meane person.

  12. Savyng this alwaies that lyke as yt is before saide they may nat resceive ony maner of coyne or money.

  13. This coyne may passe in England: what is your Donship calld, I pray.

  14. Captaine, within this Castle in ready coyne I have a thousand ducketts: doe me one curtesie, It shalbe brought out presently.

  15. Little, therefore, was actually lost in that way by the tribesman, while there was an end of coyne and livery and the other extortions of the chiefs.

  16. But worst of all was coyne and livery, horse-meat and man-meat taken at will.

  17. Nor, though the new settlers might domineer, was their domination likely to be more oppressive and insolent than that of the native chief, with his gallowglasses and his coyne and livery.

  18. And in this yere the kyng changed hise armys: and also the kyng made the coyne of goold; that is for to seyne the noble, the half noble, and the ferthyng.

  19. Sidenote: The coyne of the noble, half noble, and ferthyng.

  20. Mary got a bullet through the calf of his right leg, and Bat Coyne lost a piece of an ear.

  21. Stirling Coyne left without real regret, though in considerable dudgeon at his treatment; he had many other irons in the fire, and the conditions of journal-weaning were unattractive to him.

  22. Stirling Coyne claims that it was his father who suggested the title at the memorable meeting at Allen's.

  23. But truly there are swarmes of those Who lately were our chiefest foes, Of pantaloons and muffes; Whilst the old rusty Cavaleer Retires, or dares not once appear, For want of coyne and cuffes.

  24. He sat for a while, the sound of his own voice echoing strangely in his ears, even when Mr. Coyne rose to take his leave.

  25. My blessed word, the fun we'll have wi' that Coyne to-morrow!

  26. My name is Coyne an' you must get out o' this.

  27. When Mr. Coyne had taken his departure the pair sat a long while in silence, their solitary candle flickering an the table between them.

  28. Mr. Coyne almost screamed it, rising from his chair.

  29. Mr. Coyne opened his eyes, and they were twinkling vindictively.

  30. It's a distressin' story," began Mr. Coyne with a very slight flutter of the eyelids.

  31. Perhaps too he longed to boast that, while an Earl of Desmond had been the first to bring in the curse of coyne and livery upon Ireland, an Earl of Ormonde had been the first to take it away.

  32. Sidenote: Ormonde resolves to put down coyne and livery.

  33. Coyne and livery in their most oppressive forms and every kindred exaction were charged against the Earl.

  34. In Leinster the abolition, or rather suspension, of coyne and livery had done wonders, though the Lords still oppressed their own tenants, and thought the veteran brigand Piers Grace was profiting by Shane's absence to collect a new band.

  35. The county of Waterford was also disturbed by the Power kerne and others, who had been used to live by coyne and livery.

  36. As to coyne and livery, he would forego them for six months, pending the decision of his cause.

  37. He spoke of 'the poverty, misery, and calamity whereunto the poor subjects be brought by the licentious multitude of Irish rascals which be bred and maintained by the said coyne and livery.

  38. War and disorder had hitherto forced him and his ancestors to exact coyne and livery, necessarily showing a bad example to others who had not the excuse of responsibility.

  39. At Maryborough the abolition of coyne and livery, imperfect as it was, was generally approved.

  40. Coyne and livery were not the invention of an Irish chief, but of one of those Anglo-Normans who knew how to better native instruction.

  41. Sir Piers was accused of levying coyne and livery for craftsmen as well as soldiers, and for his hunting establishment.

  42. Coyne and livery, the most fertile source of licence and disorder, was to be eschewed as far as possible.

  43. Coyne and livery were visited with severe penalties; but advantageous terms were fixed, upon which the King might obtain provisions for his soldiers.

  44. Coyne and livery for the public service were to be reduced to fixed rules.

  45. Stringent but useless limitations were imposed on coyne and livery, the fact being that great men had usually no other means of protecting their districts.

  46. The Irish Council were earnestly charged finally to put down 'that intolerable extortion, coyne and livery, having always respect to some recompense to be given to the lords and governors of our countries for the defending of the same.

  47. The Lord Deputy might employ kerne and gallowglasses where necessary, and the usual private bands were to be continued; but coyne and livery were to be eschewed as much as possible.

  48. They exacted coyne and livery and the other multifarious Irish imposts with neither more nor less severity than the laity.

  49. This is the last day for the old State's coyne to pass in common payments, but they say it is to pass in publique payments to the King three months still.

  50. Coyne did not seem as though he had been drinking or asleep.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coyne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.