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Example sentences for "copye"

Lexicographically close words:
copulative; copulatory; copy; copybook; copybooks; copyhold; copyholder; copyholders; copyholds; copying
  1. It begins, "Whereas of truth noe custom or usage can or maye by the lawes of this realm be annexed or knytt to any meases, lands, tenements, or hereditaments letten by copye of Court Roll .

  2. Wherfor I pray yow in eny wyse send me by John Mylsend a copye of the deed that I sent yow to London.

  3. Item, I wolde that William Barker shulde send me a copye of the olde traverse of Tychewell and Beyton.

  4. Entered for his Copye a book intituled the fayre Queene, dyposed into xii bookes &c.

  5. Entered for his Copye a book intituled the fayre Queene, dyposed into xii.

  6. Erasmus in hys double copye of words and thynges, hath made as y^e tytle declareth but a comentarye of them bothe, and as it wer a litle bil of remembraũce.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "copye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.