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Example sentences for "coorious"

Lexicographically close words:
coordinate; coordinated; coordinates; coordinating; coordination; coorse; coort; coosen; coosine; coost
  1. That was what ould Dyckman said, only I rather guess that he didn't talk such coorious elegant English as I doos, because he was an awful smoker, and a Dutcher besides.

  2. And a coorious sarcumstance is connected with that there grave, and if you don't mind sitting down on that piece o' rock for five minutes, I'll tell you all about it.

  3. It's a coorious story, as coorious a story as you have ever heard, I take it.

  4. Tain't nothin', awnly there's a many coorious Carnish things like that.

  5. An' coorious customs what some doan't hold with an' some does.

  6. I never heard tell of sich a coorious thing as that.

  7. We lives in coorious times to be sure, an' theer's more in such happenings than meets the eye.

  8. I'm coorious to know, having had a stiffish argiment on that pint with Rais Ali.

  9. Maybe you and the young lady you ken a deal better nor that--but ye'll allow it's an awfu' coorious thing.

  10. It's a rael coorious thing--they all had speech o' the Cornel, and all started off on the same day.

  11. Have'e ever thought 'twas coorious the way Blanchard comed by un?

  12. That's coorious then, for he 's hungry to give himself up, so soon as the auld woman 's well again.

  13. And to tell 'ee the truth, thinkin' he was a bit over coorious in the questions he axed, I telled un a thing or two as wer a trifle crooked, I did.

  14. It did vex me tarrible to mizzle un; but a word can put that right, and let un know the true dwellin' o' that coorious feller Robinson.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coorious" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.