Octavian now energetically pressed his attack upon Sicily, while Lepidus cooeperated by besieging Lilybaeum.
But to prove Brown insane on this ground alone, we must convict also the persons who plotted and cooeperated with him and who furnished him money and arms, knowing what he intended to do with them.
The revision of that earlier edition into the present form has been very much of a cooeperative enterprise, and so many have cooeperated that room could scarcely be found for all their names.
These are too weak to operate singly, until they have cooeperated in producing a response, and thus been individually strengthened, after which they may be able singly to produce the response.
From the end of August, Kuroki cooeperated with the two other army corps which had simultaneously been closing upon Liao-yang.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cooeperated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.