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Example sentences for "cominge"

Lexicographically close words:
comick; comics; comida; comin; coming; comings; comis; comission; comitatu; comitatus
  1. The whiche shrewes, as I have shewed ful plentivously, seken good, but 120 wikked errour mistorneth hem, ne the ordre cominge fro the poynt of soverein good ne declyneth nat fro his biginninge.

  2. Which with your cominge hoom ayein to Troye 1380 Ye may redresse, and, more a thousand sythe Than ever ich hadde, encressen in me Ioye.

  3. What folk ben ye, that at myn hoom-cominge 905 Perturben so my feste with cryinge?

  4. Noght wiste this preest with whom that he delte, Ne of his harm cominge he no-thing felte.

  5. I am nat come your counseil for tespye; But trewely, the cause of my cominge Was only for to herkne how that ye singe.

  6. Thanne comth seuretee or sikernesse; and that is, whan a man ne douteth no travaille in tyme cominge of the gode werkes that a man hath bigonne.

  7. And there was flying speeches how the Hollanders had a man kild and much money taken in cominge downe from Miaco; but Capt.

  8. Thus thy cominge bothe 65 gladdeth and teneth, and that is cause of moche sorowe.

  9. Wherefore I may wel at more leysar come to hem that me deserven; and if my cominge may in any thinge avayle, wete wel, I wol come often.

  10. Dignitie, & agayn on Cominge out, but y^is Tyme w.

  11. Was for goinge awaie To-morrowe, butt Clarence cominge againe to my Chamber, & mightilie purswadinge of me, I feare I am comitted to a verie sillie Undertakinge.

  12. Thirdly, myselfe cominge from Kingstone in a coach with my Ladie Compton, I then offered her that if shee would leave Sir Edward Cooke I would proceed with her in this marriage.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cominge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.