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Example sentences for "codicibus"

Lexicographically close words:
codeine; codes; codfish; codger; codices; codicil; codicils; codicis; codicum; codification
  1. Codicibus Hattonianis,' of the presentation of which no record has been found[136], but which doubtless came about the same time from the same donor.

  2. In his 1874 monograph De codicibus duobus carminum Ouidianarum ex Ponto datorum Monacensibus Korn had made known the existence of C.

  3. Hilary, on the other hand, declares that the passage is not found "in Graecis et in Latinis codicibus compluribus" (p.

  4. Magnus siquidem hic in nostris codicibus error inolevit, dum quod in eadem re alius Evangelista plus dixit, in alio, quia minus putaverint, addiderunt.

  5. Origen passes them over in his commentary, and Jerome, in his sweeping way, declares "hoc in plerisque codicibus non habetur.

  6. Theodosio magno imperatore in Ierusalem in praetorio Pontii Pilati in codicibus publicis.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "codicibus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.