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Example sentences for "cleanings"

Lexicographically close words:
cleaned; cleaner; cleaners; cleanest; cleaning; cleanliness; cleanly; cleanness; cleans; cleanse
  1. During the blockade the authorities ordered the cleanings to be dumped into the marsh near the Christina Street station, and here in the wet soil they remain, a dangerous menace to health.

  2. The cleanings are carried eight miles from the city, where they are dumped and left on the ground, and the condition there is fearful.

  3. First, prepare a compost of thoroughly rotted sods and the cleanings of the cow-stable, in the proportion of three parts sod-mould to one of manure.

  4. When the layer of such cleanings was about a foot thick, spread evenly, another layer of earth covered all from sun and rain.

  5. The cleanings of the horse-stable had been spread over a layer of this black soil.

  6. In England, pigeon-dung and the cleanings of the pigsty are extensively employed.

  7. Therefore every effort should be made to supply cool manures with staying qualities, such as are furnished by decayed vegetable matter composted with the cleanings of the cow-stable.

  8. The custom of dyeing up to a brown with fleur and then lightening the shade by a succession of soapings and cleanings had much to do with this failure.

  9. This tone is due in great part to the presence of fawn colored matters, which the cleanings and soapings served to destroy or remove.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cleanings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.