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Example sentences for "chronologic"

Lexicographically close words:
chronograms; chronograph; chronographers; chronologer; chronologers; chronological; chronologically; chronologies; chronologique; chronologists
  1. No other event is recorded, the dance serving merely as a chronologic point.

  2. With the Kiowa it is carried to such an extent that old men sometimes remember as many as three names which have been used in chronologic succession for the same object.

  3. To avoid anachronisms, she endeavored to treat the religions of the world in their chronologic sequence, and resorted to the expedient of introducing pagan personages.

  4. The question is not certainly of any great importance; and we notice it only to make a parade of our chronologic acumen.

  5. The sketch alluded to will prove convenient here, since it will enable me at various points to refer intelligibly and yet briefly to events somewhat in advance of their chronologic order.

  6. The Quiche traditions are vague and without chronologic order, much less definite than those relating to the mythical Aztec wanderings.

  7. I make no effort to follow Veytia's chronologic order which, in this part of the history, is hopelessly confused and different from the other authorities.

  8. I do not propose to record such events only as may be made to conform to the modern idea of chronologic exactitude, rejecting all else as fabulous and mythic.

  9. The history of all these complicated changes, so far as it may be traced, separates naturally into three chronologic periods, corresponding with what are known as the Toltec, the Chichimec, and the Aztec empires.

  10. It is believed, however, that the classification suggested exhibits a cultural sequence and probably within each tribe a chronologic order.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chronologic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    chronological; dated; historical; legendary; metronomic; temporal; timekeeping; traditional

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    chronological order; chronological table