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Example sentences for "checkmating"

Lexicographically close words:
checkered; checkers; checking; checkmate; checkmated; checkout; checks; checkt; ched; cheddars
  1. Austria undertook to guard the Adriatic on land and sea, and to help Germany by checkmating Russia on land.

  2. His infernal cunning often defeated its own aims, checkmating him at the point of achievement by suggestions of duplicity or terror.

  3. It is this--a simple and effective way of checkmating one who has proved himself unworthy.

  4. It would of course be checkmating your uncle, who could be brought to his knees; and then as the price of your pardon you could do something to help him out of his difficulties.

  5. So long as men had slender means, especially in the country, of keeping out cold or checkmating it with artificial heat, Winter was an unwelcome guest.

  6. Russia was checkmating the advances of England and the United States and New Spain.

  7. Meares had only pretended to carry it out in order that none of his crew might be bribed to take it, and then had sent it back by his partner, Douglas--true fur trader in checkmating the moves of rivals.

  8. As soon as the enemy finds out how we are checkmating him he'll invent another scheme, which we'll have to discover before we can beat it.

  9. In fact he has two different ways of checkmating White in three moves.

  10. I presume, at least I am going to give you credit for it, that it is because you are playing the game I referred to, and are checkmating your partners, and preventing the crime from being carried any further.

  11. You were checkmating your miserable accomplices unquestionably--but it was for your own ends!

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "checkmating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.