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Example sentences for "carrell"

Lexicographically close words:
carracks; carrageen; carraway; carred; carrefour; carriage; carriages; carrid; carridge; carried
  1. All there pewes or carrells was all fynely wainscotted (with oak) and verie close, all but the forepart which had carved wourke that gave light in at ther carrell doures of wainscott.

  2. And in every carrell was a deske to lye there bookes on.

  3. All there pewes or carrells was all fynely wainscotted and verie close, all but the forepart, which had carved wourke that gave light in at ther carrell doures of wainscott.

  4. Each carrell must have closely resembled a modern sentry-box, with this difference, that one side was formed by a light of the window looking into the cloister-garth, opposite to which was the door of entrance.

  5. We have already seen it applied to a carrell (p.

  6. The Succentor is to have his seat and his carrell on the bench near the press--by which the bench which commonly ran along the cloister-wall is obviously meant.

  7. The seat would be on one side of the carrell and the desk on the other, the latter being so arranged that the light would enter on the reader's left hand.

  8. And in every carrell was a deske to lye there books on.

  9. Sometimes carrells were set up in the cloister, a carrell being a sort of pew, in which study could be conducted with more privacy than in the open cloister.

  10. The carrell was placed so that it was closed at one end by one of the cloister windows and remained open at the other.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carrell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.