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Example sentences for "caol"

Lexicographically close words:
canyon; canyons; canzone; canzonet; canzonets; caoutchouc; cap; capa; capabilities; capability
  1. And when they came to Inis Caol they saw no trace of the horse or of the body.

  2. And when he was dead, the Fianna were no way inclined to go to Inis Caol to bury him.

  3. This is the famous rule of the grammarians known as caol le caol agus leathan le leathan ("slender to slender and broad to broad"), but it is not so strictly adhered to in the spoken language as is commonly stated.

  4. Let him never see Daire-caol again, or Daroda or Druimdarod.

  5. It was Denis Cahel from Daire-caol that died in the place of his neighbour!

  6. Hector Caol left a numerous tribe in Gairloch, still known as Clann Eachainn Chaoil, and said to be distinguished by their long and slender legs.

  7. Had they not yielded too far to the encroachments of the Rule of 'Caol re caol' they would have written both the nom.

  8. Another [Rule] devised in like manner by our bards and rhymers, I mean that which is called Caol le caol, agus Leathan le leathan, has been woefully destructive to the original and radical purity of the Irish language.

  9. When the syllable preceding the termination ends in a small vowel, the Rule of 'Caol re caol' has introduced an e into the final syllable, which is then written ean, eag.

  10. When they came to the temple on Inis Caol there were no signs of the white horse and the coffin; but the temple was open and in went Fin and the twelve.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caol" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.