Even the architecture changes, the slender, four-square campaniles surmounted by bulging Byzantine domes, so characteristic of the Trentino, giving place to pointed steeples faced with colored slates or tiles.
I sigh for the opal-coloured waves of atmosphere which are beating up against the southern slopes of the mountains, for the soft and varied foliage, the frescoed walls and far-gleaming campaniles of Italy.
Churches and villages, with the usual accompaniments of frescoed campaniles and high-pitched bridges, are always ready in the right place to give variety to each sunny picture.
At last it fell into the straight, white Stelvio road, midway between two campanileswhich closed either vista.
In Rome the campaniles which accompany many of the mediƦval basilicas are square and pierced with many windows.
Few campaniles were built in this period; the best of them are at Venice.
The number and importance of the Italian campaniles and the interest attaching to their origin and design, warrant a more extended notice than has been assigned them in the pages cited.
The campaniles of Sienna, Lucca, and Pistoia are built in alternate white and black courses, like the adjoining cathedrals.
For, girdling the dusky horizon, could he not see the domes and campaniles of Venice, perhaps the very lamps in his own palace windows, from whose festal saloons he had just been decoyed; just distant enough to be beyond the reach of help?
North-east and east lay the Palatine, the Esquiline, with the campaniles of Santa Maria Maggiore and San Pietro in Vincoli.
You shall count the towns and campaniles on the broad Lombardy.
Faded towns and tall campaniles seemed to pass by in a ghost-like procession, which was interrupted only by the arrival of the diligence at the various stages, where we had to endure long, weary halts.
These Italian campaniles had either flat summits, or were crowned with a low, unimportant roof.
One by one the campaniles of Venice loomed, dark pillars in the white sky.
At night you can see the lights along the Lido, and all the campaniles over there in Venice.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "campaniles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.