And the cabmen along upper Broadway had seldom now the opportunity to compete for his early morning patronage.
Whether this be true or false, I cannot pretend to say, but it is very certain that a more insolent, ungoverned race than the cabmen do not exist anywhere.
The cabmen and carters of Kingston, it is said, elect the Aldermen and Common Council.
The cabmen drowse on their boxes, the horses go at a slow and steady jog.
He would think he had discovered a new nomadic tribe in the cabmen of New York.
Irate cabmen saw that their wisdom lay in submission.
When I inform you that our laws compel cabmen under heavy penalties to convey left umbrellas and parcels to the police-office, the miracle may not seem quite so surprising.
I mentioned that as a class the cabmen are thoroughly honest.
Two hundred and thirty-three cabmen or their families have been assisted by this society in various years since its formation, and its existing capital is more than L3000; but this we hope to augment still further.
There are a thousand cabmen who are members of this Association, and they pay 5s.
The cabmen have been fortunate in the chairmen at the festivals and annual general meetings.
First, there is the expressive pantomime of every one of the eighteen cabmen on the stand, the moment you raise your eyes from the ground.
Babies tumble about, crushing the pinks and roses, and cabmen good-naturedly pick their way as best they can among these various vegetable and human obstacles.
The cabmen got fewer and fewer shillings to live on.
As the other cabmen came, he told them about his father and said that he was going to drive the cab in his place.
We selected or were, rather, selected by one of the cabmen and driven immediately to the Snedden house.
MacLeod was on the train, but did not speak to us, and it was perhaps just as well, for the cabmen and others hanging about the station were keenly watching new arrivals, and any one with MacLeod must have attracted attention.
The cabmen of Madrid are great readers, much greater, I am sorry to say, than I was, for whenever I bought a Spanish paper I found it extremely well written.
We tried to form the habit of going in by other gates, but the Gate of Pardon finally prevailed; there was always a gantlet of cabmen to be run beside it, which brought our sins home to us.
At this period, it may be also noted, cabmen were not allowed to smoke when on their stands.
Railway chairmen and directors are descending to the knavery, extortion, impudence, and brutality from which cabmen are rising in the scale of manners and morals.
It is the fashion here to take an interest in chafferings with cabmen and in other street scenes.
The cabmen were inside, having a glass; the usual vagrant was outside, looking after the horses.
There was a cab-stand in the next street, and to avoid the cabmen and the loafers she hastily crossed to the other side.
He sent her description to all the city-gates, and ordered all cabmen and railway-porters to search all trains leaving Marseilles.
It cannot be that the cabmenare on strike,' my friend said, as he rose and walked to the window.
And the other cabmen who have their stand at the corner were swarming about the carriage, all of them talking and swearing at once, and gesticulating wildly with their whips.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cabmen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.