And to this Hughe, whom also he imployed to good purpose in the warr of Scotland, the Busshop gave the lande of Thikley, since of him caulied Thikley-Pountchardon, and also made him his chief huntsman.
And that ye farther suffer the officers appoynted by thesayd Busshop to resceyve aswell the next rent due at the Fest of thannunciacion of our lady last past as all other rentes due sithe that tyme.
Yf they (the bishops) had any Jurisdiction, they muste nedes haue receued ‹it› either by the lawe of god or by the busshop of Romes Authoritie or els by the Kinges grace permission.
The Order~ of the Admissyon of Maisters of Surgery and of the Anatamye to be confyrmed for ever before they have the Seale of the Busshop w{ch} maketh up the hole confyrmac͠on of a master of Surgery & of Anathomye.
And for the lycens that I spak to yow for, to have the Sacrement in my Chapell, yf ye cannot getyt of the Busshop of Norwych, getyt of the Busshop of Caunterbery, for that ys most swyr for all plase.
And to this Hughe, whom also he imployed to good purpose in the warr of Scotland, the busshop gave the land of Thikley, since of him called Thikley-Puntchardon, and also made him his chiefe huntsman.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "busshop" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.