But businesse of State holds lesse in your Estimation than the fortunes of your brother, and I have a peece of Newes that will put your gentle heart all in a Flutter.
In pursuit of the Businesse you wot of, I am at this present layd by the heels, in Jail, under sentence to be Hang'd.
Which aunswere of repulse, so excited the inflamed affections of the Kyng, as setting all other businesse a part, he caused the Muchty to be sent for.
There's businesse in these faces: why so sadly Greet you our Victory?
He ne'er commences Businesse in his owne Court without first stepping into the Court of King's Bench, and there kneeling down to receive my Grandfather's Blessing.
Businesse and all publick Affairs, I might live for a Time only to GOD and myself.
When as the Youth and Forresters among 370 That well prepared for this businesse were, Become the Chorus, and thus sung they there.
No private businesse can concerne them all: (aside) Their countenances are troubled and looke sad; Doubt and importance in their face is read.
We call'd you forth to execute a businesse Of another straine,--but 'tis no matter now.
Sir, here's a Frenchman charg'd with some strange businesse Which to your close eare onely hee'll deliver, Or else to none.
Thus hurtes ben of dyvers businesse Which love hath put to right gret hinderaunce, And trouthe also put in forgetfulnesse Whan they so sore begin to sighe askaunce.
But though the heed of holy chirche above 225 Ne do nat al his hole businesse Among the men to sette pees and love, These kinges oughten, of hir rightwysnesse, Hir owne cause among hem-self redresse.
Yet may ye wel repele your businesse And to resoun somwhat have attendaunce, 650 Moch better than to byde, by fol simplesse, The feble socour of desesperaunce.
The Letter (as I liue) with all theBusinesse I writ too's Holinesse.
As you guesse: One certes, that promises no Element In such a businesse Buc.
You my Lord Cardinall of Yorke, are ioyn'd with me their Seruant, In the vnpartiall iudging of this Businesse Kin.
This same Cranmer's A worthy Fellow, and hath tane much paine In the Kings businesse Suff.
To the which charge Maggio the fortifier knight was appointed, who in all our businesse serued with such diligence and courage, as he was able, or was requisite.
This businesse pertaineth to the Englishmen, who haue in their handes our priuilege, according to which priuilege being in their hands let this matter be done.
Winter and the other marchants, that this matter may take effect And let me haue your answere herein assoone as conueniently you may, for that the time of the yeere draweth nigh that this businesse must be done.
In the which businesse he behaued himselfe well and worthily, and spared not his goods to cause the people to worke and trauell, but spent thereof largely.
Which businesse after two yeres chargeable trauell and suit being accomplished, the sayd M.
Then I had no smallbusinesse to cause my mariners to venture with the ship in such a manifest danger.
This businesse was signified vnto vs in the nine hundred ninety and fourth yere of Mahomet, and in the moneth of May the 10.
What you shall doe in Turkie, besides thebusinesse of your Factorship.
Our necessarie businesse being ended, our Generall with his companie traueiled vp into the Countrey to their villages, where we found heardes of Deere by a thousand in a companie, being most large and fat of body.
We lacked 12 buts to fill with water, and the barrels in both the ships, and the Captaine would haue gone out to cause them to be filled, but we would not suffer him, and therefore we left off the businesse for that day.
We stayed in this harbour to passe all this businessebut onely 31 dayes, and in this time we were occupied with skirmishes and attempts of the enemie 11.
Mad with spight He markt how the poore shepheards ran to pay Their simple tribute to the Babe, Whose birth Was the great businesse both of Heav'n and Earth.
Each bigge withbusinesse thrusts the other, And seems to say, Make haste, my brother.
In thisbusinesse they occupyed théëselues a whole wéeke.
The Lorde of Zempoallan sayde, that if it pleased hym to abyde with him hée woulde gladly accept it, and if hisbusinesse were suche that he might not, that then he besought him to remember him.
Compare also: 'Sir, our greatest businesseis more in our power then the least, and we may be surer to meet in heaven than in any place upon earth.
My businesse craves the absence of the world: None but my selfe and Rodoricke shall behold The secret complot that I doe intend.
I have bin abroad about some businesse of hers, and am now going backe againe.
No that were pittie, I would intreate you rather to put on Your boldest suite of mirth, for we haue friends That purpose merriment: but far you well, I haue some businesse Gra.
Some suppose, or rather affyrme of experience, that the Bées are delighted with this closenesse, in that they more ioy to do their works and businesse in the darke, than otherwise.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "businesse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.