The breechings of two of the guns had been cut, and the guns broke adrift in the height of the gale.
Shoving the disabled gun out of the way, these chaps crossed the deck, unhooked the breechings and gun-tackles, raised the piece from the deck, and placed it in the vacant port.
So we were at it for about half an hour, when our guns became so hot from quick firing, that they bounced up to the beams overhead, tearing away their ringbolts, and snapping their breechings like rope-yarns.
White canvas lined the breechingsof the carronades.
Breechings were loosed and gun-tackles unlashed, rammer and sponge laid out, and pike and pistol and cutlass placed where they would be handy when the time came to rush the enemy's decks.
Preventer Breechings were then fitted, and answered so well that the practice was continued at sea as usual.
The gun being now pivoted to the Port, the Breechings should be shackled and the rear Pivot-Bolt drawn, in regular order.
The spare breechings should never be stowed near the galley nor Engine-room, lest they be damaged by heat and moisture.
Thus fitted, when the gun is run in and levelled, breechings must be long enough to allow the muzzle of the gun to come a foot inside of the upper port-sill, if the breadth of the vessel will allow it.
Breechings are neither to be covered, blackened, nor rendered less pliable in any way.
During this same period of general war, it was frequently the case that the guns of English armed ships were found in the mornings with theirbreechings cut over night.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "breechings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.