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Example sentences for "bootmakers"

Lexicographically close words:
bootleggers; bootlegging; bootless; bootlesse; bootmaker; boots; booty; booze; boozed; boozing
  1. Mixed with logwood and iron, and possibly alum, it formed the "blue size" once largely used by bootmakers as a foundation for blacking, and is similarly used in currying.

  2. Cobblers and bootmakers complain that it ruins their tools, being so hard to cut.

  3. I do not think that sufficient attention is paid either by ladies or bootmakers to the fact that a loose riding boot may be the means of saving its wearer's life: I never devoted much thought to the subject before witnessing this accident.

  4. We found most of them at work,--the washerwomen at their tubs, the joiners by their benches, the bootmakers at their lasts.

  5. I became a graduate of the shops of the bootmakers before acquiring the whole of their trade, but not before absorbing most of that which constituted the overflow of their lives.

  6. I learned all the tricks and sleight-of-hand with which the bootmakers amused themselves and puzzled each other in their shops.

  7. But the spouting and shouting went on just the same, and was certainly popular among the bootmakers and tanners.

  8. The bootmakers do not keep sizes small enough.

  9. In the name of the husbands and fathers of England, I call upon the bootmakers to reform.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bootmakers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.