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Example sentences for "blandness"

Lexicographically close words:
blanda; blandest; blandishment; blandishments; blandly; blando; blank; blanka; blanke; blanked
  1. But under the blandness something struggled.

  2. No doubt," said Camelia blandly, a blandness that snubbed and did not satisfy her friend's grossness.

  3. We are going to have lunch up here--in fact," counterchecked that rascally Rollins with a blandness that was actually malicious.

  4. Do you know the dulcet strength, the animating blandness of tea sufficiently blended with real farmhouse cream?

  5. With benevolent blandness he accorded me full permission to go where I liked, and say anything I chose, recommending me warmly to depart immediately.

  6. He entered into the conversation, not only with such brilliancy, but with such a blandness and courtesy of manner!

  7. Herr Gustav Adolph Simmering, the soul of blandness and courtesy, stiffened in an instant.

  8. Even after he was gone the feeling that some motive was behind the Prussian's blandness remained.

  9. Jermyn had turned round his savage side, and the blandness was out of sight.

  10. Her blandness was beyond all baiting; she professed she could be as still as a mouse.

  11. He brought in only blandness and benevolence and a great content at having obeyed the mystic voice--it was really a remarkable case of second sight--which had whispered him that the recreant comrade of his prime was in town.

  12. I thought I would imitate the blandness of the sham curate.

  13. You haven't seen him to-night, but I may tell you he carries blandness further than it has ever been carried before.

  14. His blandness appeared even for a moment to set an example to Lord John.

  15. Lord Theign, confessedly and amiably interested, had accepted these intimations--yet with the very blandness that was not accessible to hustling and was never forgetful of its standing privilege of criticism.

  16. The same inscrutable irony of ethereal peace and serenity goes on shedding itself here from the face of nature, who has "turned out" for us such a summer of blandness and beauty as would have been worthy of a better cause.

  17. If he had, he probably would only have seen the same mask of polite blandness which the Cardinal usually wore.

  18. Perhaps the blandness of the expression belonged as much to the season and hour, as to the habitual character of the man.

  19. His rubicundity had increased and his blandness was dissolved.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blandness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    butter; glibness; incense; smugness