We have for the same reason omitted the working-girl class and the hucksters; the women of these two sections are the product of efforts made by nine millions of female bimana to rise to the higher civilization.
From among our fifteen millions of men we must cut off, in the first place, the nine millions of bimana of thirty-two vertebrae and exclude from our physiological analysis all but six millions of people.
In consequence of these and many other zoological considerations, the order Bimana had already been declared, in 1856, by Isidore G.
Twelve years later, Cuvier adopted the same order Bimana for the human family, while the apes, monkeys, and lemurs constituted a separate order called Quadrumana.
What, then, is this order of Bimana of Blumenbach and Cuvier?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bimana" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.