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Example sentences for "beeline"

Lexicographically close words:
beehives; beeing; beeinge; beekeeper; beekeepers; been; beene; beens; beer; beere
  1. Could he walk in a beeline if he hadn't that cane?

  2. He recovered in time to nearly drop it again, as the Patron Ik'Spir Pat's hoverchair glided out the Centre's doors and made a beeline for Hershie.

  3. With glazed eyes, he made a beeline for the outer door.

  4. I turned and, with Mary close behind me, made a beeline for Mr. Eammer.

  5. The bear reared up, gave a terrific growl and again shambled forward, this time making a beeline for the wagon.

  6. The invader had cut down to the edge of the plain, abandoning the protection of the ridge, making a beeline for the nearest rock extrusion on the floor of the crater.

  7. He started up the slope in a beeline for the crest.

  8. Crag calculated that a beeline to Bandit would just about skirt the southeast end of the spur.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beeline" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.