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Example sentences for "aspre"

Lexicographically close words:
aspireth; aspirin; aspiring; aspirings; asprawl; asps; ass; assafoetida; assagai; assagais
  1. Count D'Aspre repented of his rashness, and sent for help to Count Thurn at Vercelli.

  2. From there he was eventually dislodged by D'Aspre and crossed the frontier into Switzerland.

  3. And in hir aspre pleynte than she seyde, `Pandare first of Ioyes mo than two Was cause causinge un-to me, Criseyde, That now transmuwed been in cruel wo.

  4. I trowe, y-wis, from hevene teres reyne, For pitee of myn aspre and cruel peyne!

  5. Another tyme he sholde mightily Conforte him-self, and seyn it was folye, So causeles swich drede for to drye, And eft biginne his aspre sorwes newe, 265 That every man mighte on his sorwes rewe.

  6. And in hir aspre pleynte than she seyde, 'Pandare first of Ioyes mo than two Was cause causinge un-to me, Criseyde, That now transmuwed been in cruel wo.

  7. Wenest thou thanne that thou oughtest to leten this a litel thing, that this aspre and horrible Fortune hath discovered to thee the thoughtes of thy trewe freendes?

  8. Thou shalt ben so destrat by aspre thinges that thou shalt forgoon sikernesse.

  9. And other folk dreden more than they oughten [that] whiche they mighten wel beren; and somme dispyse that they mowe nat beren; and thilke folk god ledeth in-to experience of himself by aspre and sorwful thinges.

  10. But this is the fortune,' quod she, 'of hem that either ben put 30 in vertu and batailen ayeins aspre thinges, or elles of hem that eschuen and declynen fro vyces and taken the wey of vertu.

  11. Sagittarius with his aspre bow, 5 Be the ilk syng weryté ye may know The changing courss quhilk makis gret deference; And lewyss had lost thair colouris of plesence.

  12. In aspre spech the Persye than can speyr; “Quhat worth of him?

  13. Quhen he it red, and had it wndirstand, At this herrold he askyt his credence, With aspre spech, and manly contenence.

  14. Towards eleven o'clock D'Aspre arrived, and lost no time in beginning the attack.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aspre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.