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Example sentences for "arrers"

Lexicographically close words:
arrear; arrearages; arrears; arreigned; arrer; arrest; arrestation; arreste; arrested; arrester
  1. Give me time to pick up some o' them bows an' arrers an' I'm ready to start.

  2. Wagons burned, mules standing with arrers in them, rest all dead but a few.

  3. If we can make a break when it gits dark afore the fire-arrers begin lightin' things up we'll try for the Bluestone.

  4. If we could sneak in there without bein' seen we'd have the slimmest sort of a chance to duck back to the ridge while they was shootin' their fire-arrers at this cabin.

  5. They'll use fire-arrers first," he corrected.

  6. Hank kin shoot more arrers with his mouth than some Injuns kin with thar bows," panted Jim, grasping a spoke and yanking his captive roughly against the wheel.

  7. The whoop war answered from all round the camp, an' the way the bullets an' arrers come into them ar wagons warn't a funny thing to look at.

  8. Th’ Injuns didn’t have many guns in them days, but you kin jest rest assured that they used their arrers fur what wuz in ’em.

  9. At one time th’ air wuz near so full uv arrers thet it made a cloud, shettin’ out th’ sun.

  10. Then they have matches--they try who can have most arrers in the air at one time.

  11. I should say if you kin send one o' them arrers two hundred yards that would kill a Buffalo at twenty feet.

  12. An' do you mean to tell me, Paul, that a man with jest a club could go out an' meet the arrers of the Injuns?

  13. Why, all uv them warriors kin shoot arrers pow'ful hard an' straight.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arrers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.