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Example sentences for "areolae"

Lexicographically close words:
arede; aren; arena; arenaceous; areola; areolar; areolate; areometer; arest; arested
  1. They include the Areolae Basilares, Mediae, and Apicales.

  2. For example, turtles that retained the areola of the third central lamina, retained also the areolae of the fourth and fifth centrals; when only one central areola remained, it was the fifth.

  3. Wear Presence or absence of areolae on laminae of the shell indicated degree and sequence of wear.

  4. Areolae that are retained in some older turtles are shed along with the epidermal layers formed in the first year or two of life.

  5. But these areolae may perhaps rather be considered as merely the points of production of the tubes.

  6. Shortly after the first coitus her abdomen began to enlarge, the breasts to develop, and the areolae to darken.

  7. Her breasts were enlarged, the areolae dark, and the uterus contained an elastic tumor, heavy and rolling under the hand.

  8. Marked by areolae or spaces marked out on a surface.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "areolae" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.