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Example sentences for "anthropometrical"

Lexicographically close words:
anthropologic; anthropologist; anthropologists; anthropology; anthropometric; anthropometry; anthropomorphic; anthropomorphism; anthropomorphous; anthropon
  1. By this method the anthropometrical records are arranged in an orderly way, while the simplicity of the mechanism, and the clearness of the charts, guarantee the making of such observations as I have considered fundamental.

  2. It is, however, unnecessary to discuss this question until our anthropometrical knowledge of prostitutes is more extended and precise.

  3. Bertillon's system of anthropometrical measurements as a means of identification, it has been altogether surpassed in certainty by the methods of recording the impressions of the fingers.

  4. By the new anthropometrical system, you can identify him?

  5. By the anthropometrical system we can spot you.

  6. Prognathism is marked but variable according to the testimony of Montano, who took the anthropometrical measurements of many crania which he obtained from caves in northeastern MindanĂ¡o.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anthropometrical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.