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Example sentences for "amidde"

Lexicographically close words:
amicorum; amicos; amicum; amicus; amid; amiddlemost; amiddleward; amide; amides; amidmost
  1. And thus I mai you sothli telle, Save only that I crie and bidde, I am in Tristesce al amidde And fulfild of Desesperance: And therof yif me mi penance, 3500 Min holi fader, as you liketh.

  2. And whan this syke man felte this frere Aboute his tuwel grope there and here, (440) Amidde his hand he leet the frere a fart.

  3. Amidde a tree fordrye, as whyt as chalk, As Canacee was pleying in hir walk, 410 Ther sat a faucon over hir heed ful hye, That with a pitous voys so gan to crye That all the wode resouned of hir cry.

  4. Ianuarie free, Amidde his lust and his prosperitee, 2070 Is woxen blind, and that al sodeynly.

  5. And eek amidde this purpryse Was maad a tour of gret maistryse; A fairer saugh no man with sight, Large and wyde, and of gret might.

  6. But al amidde I bilde and make My hous, and swimme and pley therinne Bet than a fish doth with his finne.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amidde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.