Jon nam there foddik fon Kalta and hira famna mitha, and Minerva hild hira ajn foddik and hira ajn famna.
Thervmbe that er that wiste, hede-r vs to stonden that wi machte leva nei vs ajn elik Segabok.
Ajder burch mot hiri selva bidruppa and genera fon hjra ajn ronddel and fon that del that hju fon that markjeld buerth.
Tha Hlithhawar send britne and bannene fon vsajn folk that inna tha Twisklanda sit and omme dwarelt.
Bist thv alsa gyrich that thu irtha allena erva wilste, alsa achst thv nimmer mare nen ore tale ovir thina wera ni kvma to letane as god-is tale, and than achst thv to njodane, til thju thinajn tale fry fon uthemeda klinka bilyweth.
In tha erosta jera nam that manfolk to Athenia enkel wiva fon vs ajn slacht, men that jongkfolk vpwoxen mitha mangerta ther landsaton namen ther ak fon.
Hir most nw letta ho Friso alle to bidobbe wiste to nocht fon bede partja and to bate fon sinajn dol.
Tha hwila wi thermitha al dvande weron, kem wind vs vppa kop, to thera lafa and thera wiva skrik, thrvchdam wi nene slavona navt nede as thera ther vs bi ajn willa folgan were.
Thrvchdam hja sok dedon, macht Frya navt longer waka ovir hjam: hja havon ynes otheris frydom binimen, and that is erseke, that hja hjara ajn vrleren hawe.
Sont 100 and 8 jer is hi thene eroste fon sin folk, ther fredsum sturven is, alle othera send vndera slega swikt, thervr that alle kampade withajn and ferhemande vmb rjucht and plicht.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ajn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.