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Example sentences for "aime"

Lexicographically close words:
ailments; ails; aim; aimable; aimait; aimed; aiment; aimer; aimeth; aimez
  1. The famous "J'aime mieux Alfred de Musset," though it came from a man of extraordinary mental power and no small specially critical ability, is not criticism.

  2. The French version is "Le chat aime le poisson mais il n'aime pas a mouiller la patte"--so that it would seem Shakespeare borrowed from the French.

  3. But for Aime Bonpland, Ludwig Halberger might never have sought a South American home.

  4. Though no name sounds more agreeably to my ears than that of Aime Bonpland, I cannot here dwell upon it, nor write his biography, however congenial the theme.

  5. In some respects similar to the experience of Aime Bonpland was that of Ludwig Halberger.

  6. But Aime Bonpland was only a student of Nature--one of those unpretending men who give the world all the knowledge it has, worth having--and so was he left to languish in captivity.

  7. Wherefore to leaue off any further digression, I will fall to mine intended purpose: and because the whole scope of my labour hath all his aime and reuerence to the English Husbandman, I will first shew you what a Husbandman is.

  8. QUI M'AIME, AIME MON CHIEN On making this discovery Maurice was inclined to declaim in that vigorous vocabulary which is taboo.

  9. Je ne comprens pas comment on aime si fort la Danse dans un Pays ou l'on a si peu sujet de rire.

  10. L'Angleterre que j'aime infiniment," he writes in his twelfth edition.

  11. Xiv] To aime why are we ever bold, At many things in so short hold?

  12. Allthough they say, that in vertue it selfe, the last scope of our aime is voluptuousnes.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aime" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.