Girt there with blasts and meteors Tempest dwells By Nile's aereal urn, with rapid spells Urging those waters to their mighty end.
The liquid responses Of their aereal tongues yet sound.
Apollo 10 Is held in heaven by wonder; and the light Which fills this vapour, as the aereal hue Of fountain-gazing roses fills the water, Flows from thy mighty sister.
Amid the aereal minarets on high, The Ethiopian vultures fluttering fell From their long line of brethren in the sky, 3930 Startling the concourse of mankind.
The torrent of that wide and raging river Is passed, and our aereal speed suspended.
Arise ye sightless spirits of the storm, Ye unseen minstrels of the aereal song, 20 Pour the fierce tide around this lonely form, And roll the tempest's wildest swell along.
It contained some of the finest specimens of urostigma trees we had ever seen, whose many aereal roots, springing from a wide expanse of ground, met far overhead in support of immense masses of foliage.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aereal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.