Well, I thort as this was all pritty well, but he acshally finished up by arsking me whether I coudent write another wollum jest like the other!
But he acshally swears as he remembers the time when there wasn't not no Cabs, nor no Homnybusses nor no Hallways, nor no Steam Botes, nor no Perlice, in all Lundon!
And the funniest one of the lot acshally said as I must go with 'em, for the World's Show woud not be a perfect show without they had in it the most horiginal specimen of a reel London Hed Waiter to show to their 50 million peeple!
I'm acshally told all German Waiters insists on being called!
As I passed under the Gallery I seed one most charming Lady, drest jest like a Princess, acshally a sitting on the floor from fatigue, and her husband a watching over her like a garden angel, tho' he was a Feild Marshall!
But on that okashun, they acshally cum by shoals; and when they was all assembled they mustard no less than sixty-wun true-born Royalties.
Why I acshally douts whether they coud even manage to make up a decent lot of Common Counselmen under at least a year.
To acshally defraud the grand old Citty of Lundon, that is only jest about seven hunderd year old, of all their priwileges and all their rites and all their money!
And he really speaks of all these warious matters jest as if he was quite in ernest, and acshally expected as it woud all be done by the next Parlement when they met next year!
Why, he acshally says, that the hole system of marrying for life is all a mistake, and not consistent with our changable nature!
For hinstance, he acshally tried to make me bleeve that his Country is about 20 times as big as ours!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acshally" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.